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Getting started

In order to implement MobilePay Online you must first obtain an agreement by contacting Once the agreement is signed you will get access to our sandbox environment and can test the API.


You must supply two PublicKeys for Card encryption: The RSA public key should be provided as a X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo (using ASN.1 DER Encoding) represented in PEM encoding (use PEM file extension). The public key must have a length of 4096 bits. You must clearly state in the file name wich one is for Sandbox and which is for Prod.

Naming template for public key: {integratorname}-{environment}-public

Example for sandprod: company-sandprod-public

Example for production: company-prod-public

Please send the PublicKeys in a ZIP-file. We will register the keys and supply you with a PublicKeyId to be used when initiating payments.


Please note that if a publicKey is unused for 6 month we will delete it. If this happens you must supply a new publicKey.