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Error Codes

If any client errors occur, our endpoints return an error object describing the issues encountered. Each error object has the same contract. Here's an example:

Response JSON example
"code": "invalid_payment_state",
"correlationId": "8d4243bc-aa83-43c3-a55d-5da221facd9b",
"message": "Cannot cancel payment that is already captured.",
"origin": "MPY"

code and message are the properties you should be interested to. correlationId and origin properties should be provided for our support team in case you need their help with any issues. The values of those properties help to find solutions quicker.


HTTP 409 Conflict

Payments API

processing_errorWe were not able to process your request. Please try again or contact our support.
amount_too_largeCannot capture a larger amount than is reserved.
partial_capture_disallowedPartial capture is not allowed on this payment.
payment_not_foundPayment does not exist.
invalid_payment_stateCannot cancel payment that is already captured.
invalid_payment_stateOnly initiated payments can be cancelled by idempotency key.
invalid_payment_stateOnly reserved payments can be captured.
invalid_payment_stateCapture attempted and failed. Please try capturing again.
invalid_payment_pointPayment point is not active.
payment_point_not_foundPayment point does not exist.
idempotency_key_reusedDifferent request parameters already used for the same idempotencyKey - {idempotencyKey}.
unauthorized_accessAuthorization error occurred.
payment_captured_with_different_amountPayment has already been captured with different amount.

Refunds API

processing_errorWe were not able to process your request. Please change idempotency key and try again or contact our support.
amount_too_largeCannot refund more than the remaining amount of payment - {remaining payment amount}.
amount_exceeds_available_fundsRefund amount exceeds available payment point funds.
payment_not_foundPayment does not exist.
invalid_payment_statePayment has not been captured yet and cannot be refunded.
idempotency_key_reusedDifferent request parameters already used for the same idempotencyKey - {idempotencyKey}.
unauthorized_accessAuthorization error occurred.
availability_duration_expiredIt is no longer possible to refund this payment.

HTTP 400 Bad Request

{Message indicating what is wrong with your request body.}