MobilePay Transaction Reporting



General notes


Payment Points Endpoint

Transfer References Endpoint

Transferred Transactions Endpoint



Transactions Endpoint



Transferred Transactions By Merchant Endpoint


Release Notes

Overview over Transaction Reporting API

Important: As the reporting evolves, APIs are periodically reorganized, upgraded and improved. When APIs evolve, the old API is deprecated and eventually removed. This means that Transaction Reporting API v1 and v2 is now deprecated and we no longer onboard any merchants to these versions. We have instead introduced Reporting v3. Please find the updated documentation here. We have also made a migration guide to ease the migration from v1 and v2 to v3. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at

Purpose: The main objective is to make it easier for you to do reconciliation on your side. We at MobilePay will provide details of transactions to help you with that, with the products that MobilePay offers. This will be done by summarizing payment, fees and refunds etc. These are summarized in further details below.

MobilePay TransactionReporting API allows to query all activities taking place at any of your MobilePay payment locations.

Some processes in banking are by nature asynchronous. You can guess and be correct often, but it will cost on support hours for you and your customer. By integrating and using the API, you take the guesswork out. From an architecture perspective, creating your own mirror database expecting a result is not advisable compared to querying a “single source of truth”. Sales and clearing are two different internal processes. As a merchant, you can sell, but the clearing is not always 100% matched to the sales. This is where the TRX API is highly useful.

How does it work?

A settlement pay out includes all your sales transactions from the previous day, net of refunds and fees. By using the API, you get a full list of all sales transactions and corresponding fees, totalling to the settlement on your bank account. You can reconcile your accounts with a high degree of data and transparency, moving your business towards always having up-to-date financial overviews. Note: if you chose to have fees invoiced, then the fees will not be deducted directly by MobilePay, and you instead need to reconcile against the invoices you receive. Invoiced fees are not visible in the API.

Merchant onboarding

This document explains how to make a technical integration to the MobilePay Transaction Reporting product. The intended audience is technical integrators from merchant itself, or from Partner Banks.

As an integrator, you automatically have access to the Transaction Reporting API. As a merchant, you get access to the MobilePay Production environment, where you can test the technical integration. The Reconciliation API consists of GET calls, which is why it not available in the sandbox environment.

The environment is located on The Developer Portal

In order to call our APIs from your systems you might need to whitelist our endpoints:

Service Production
API Gateway


OpenID Connect

When the merchant is onboarded, he has a user in MobilePay that is able to manage which products the merchant wishes to use. The OpenID Connect protocol is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Client: In order for this to work, the merchant must grant consent to an application(Client). Client must initiate the hybrid flow specified in OpenID connect. For Transaction Reporting product the Client must request consent from the merchant using the transactionreporting scope. You also need to specify offline_access scope, in order to get the refresh token. The authorization server is located here. If the merchant grants consent, an authorization code is returned which the Client must exchange for an id token, an access token and a refresh token. The refresh token is used to refresh ended sessions without asking for merchant consent again. This means that if the Client receives an answer from the api gateway saying that the access token is invalid, the refresh token is exchanged for a new access token and refresh token.

Supported Endpoints

Find the supported endpoints in the links below

Environment OpenID Connect Discovery

In order to authenticate to the API, all requests to the API must contain at least three authentication headers:

  1. x-ibm-client-id
  2. x-ibm-client-secret
  3. Authorization
$ curl 
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' 
    --header 'x-ibm-client-id: client-id' 
    --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: client-secret' 
    --url https://<mobile-pay-root>/api/merchants/me/resource

Implementing OpenID Connect protocol

Although the protocol is not that complicated, there is no need to implement it yourself! There are many OpenID Connect certified libraries for different platforms, so you just have to chose the one, that suits you best from this list.

General notes

MobilePay Transaction Reporting is a full-fledged HTTPS REST api using JSON as request/response communication media.

All dates and time-stamps use the ISO 8601 format: date format - YYYY-MM-DD, date-time format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ.

When submitting requests, Content-Type: application/json HTTP header must be provided. UTF-8 character encoding should be used.

$ curl --request GET --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --url https://<mobile-pay-root>/resource


When using the Transaction Reporting API, you will be introduced to the term ‘paymentPointId’. paymentPointId - GUID assigned to payment pointAs MobilePay has different API product, and each product has a payment point. The payment point is named differently across products.

Subscriptions API

Invoice API

Result paging

Some endpoint queries can return a large number of results. In order to deliver them efficiently over the network, data pagination is used. Query responses which have more than 1000 transactions are automatically split into pages of 1000 records each.

When data pagination is used NextPageToken property is returned inside of request body. You should append the value of this property to query url pageToken parameter in order to retrieve the next page. If returned NextPageToken property is missing or null then the last page had been reached.

Important: NextPageToken value can contain any base64 characters, including /, + and =. Be sure to properly escape the value (By using url encoding) when submitting request for the next page.

Paging example

Initial query url is:

Returned response is:

      "merchantId": "123456789",
      "merchantName": "Acme Ltd",
      "paymentPointId" : "08b2f28f-9e5c-4416-ab5a-6338511c8ad1",
      "paymentPointName" : "snack kiosk",
      "receiverAccount" : "DK123456789",
      "transactions": [
              "type": "Payment",
              "amount": 81.00,
              "currencyCode": "EUR",
              "timestamp": "2018-06-13T04:44:06Z",
              "paymentTransactionId" : "AABBCCDD11223344",
              "transferReference" : "00020180624123456789",
              "transferReferenceDate" : "2018-06-24",
              "senderComment" : "This is fun",
              "externalTransactionId": "QWERTY123456798",
              "externalBulkId": "ASDFG987654321",
      "nextPageToken": "CiAKGjBpNDd2Nmp2Zml2cXRwYjBpOXA"

In order to retrieve the next page, you shuould call:

Error codes

In general the following error codes are possible. Error messages from the API are always in English, and are intended for developers, rather than to be shown to end users.

Payment Points Endpoint

Returns Payment Points owned by a given Merchant based on the access token acquired from Merchant Authentication.





Success Response

HTTP 200

    "merchantId": "E0225FF2-A1E6-4032-97BD-C6E90026C66B",
    "merchantName": "John's Flowershop",
    "paymentPoints": [
          "paymentPointId": "55ADC672-83FB-408E-826A-1F95E732C5EC",
          "paymentPointName": "John's Flowershop Payment Point"
Name Type Detail
merchantId string The id of the Merchant owning the Payment Points.
merchantName string The name of the Merchant owning the Payment Points.
paymentPoints json array Contains a list of Payment Points owned by a Merchant.
paymentPointId string Id of the Payment Point. For more information about the context of the Payment Point Id, see the section regarding the Payment Point Id.
paymentPointName string Name of the Payment Point.

Error Response


$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890' 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Transfer References Endpoint

Returns a list of completed transfer references for a payment point.

Note: usually accumulated payment point balance is transferred once per day to a specified merchant account. You might have to wait until next day to get transfer reference and for the funds to appear in the bank account.





URL Params

Name Type Required Detail
paymentPointID Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point.
from Date Yes Date to filter transfer reference results from (inclusive). Value refers to transfer reference date field, not the actual date / time when the transfer has been made
to Date Yes Date to filter transfer reference results to (inclusive). Value refers to transfer reference date field, not the actual date / time when the transfer has been made

Success Response

HTTP 200

      "transferReferences": [
              "transferReference": "00020180624123456789",
              "transferReferenceDate" : "2018-06-24",
              "totalTransferredAmount": 195.00,
              "currencyCode": "DKK"
Name Type Required Detail
transferReferences json array Yes A collection of transfer reference lines (details below)
transferReference Transfer reference Yes Bank transfer reference number. Exact format can vary according to country’s banking infrastructure regulations. The reference is considered unique for a duration of 1 year.
transferReferenceDate Date Yes Transfer reference date. Corresponds to URL filter parameters “dateFrom” and “dateTo”.
totalTransferredAmount Amount Yes Transferred amount.
currencyCode Currency Yes Transfer currency.

Error Response


$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890' 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Transferred Transactions V1 Endpoint

When a payment point transfer has been completed, you can retrieve a list of transactions that were included in the transfer. If you do not know the transfer reference, it can be obtained from the endpoint above.





URL Params

Name Type Required Detail
paymentPointID Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point.
transferReference Transfer reference Yes Bank reference number used for aggregated transfer to receiver account.
pageToken Page token No Specifies which result data page to retrieve if there are more than one page

Success Response

HTTP 200

      "merchantId": "123456789",
      "merchantName": "Acme Ltd",
      "paymentPointId" : "08b2f28f-9e5c-4416-ab5a-6338511c8ad1",
      "paymentPointName" : "snack kiosk",
      "transferReference" : "00020180624123456789",
      "transferReferenceDate" : "2018-06-24",
      "receiverAccount" : "DK123456789",
      "transactions": [
              "type": "Payment",
              "amount": 81.00,
              "currencyCode": "EUR",
              "timestamp": "2018-06-13T04:44:06Z",
              "paymentTransactionId" : "AABBCCDD11223344",
              "senderComment" : "This is fun",
              "externalTransactionId": "QWERTY123456798",
              "externalBulkId": "ASDFG987654321",
      "nextPageToken": "CiAKGjBpNDd2Nmp2Zml2cXRwYjBpOXA"
Name Type Required Detail
merchantId string Yes Public merchant identifier (usually VAT or CVR code)
merchantName string Yes Merchant legal name (as registered with MobilePay)
paymentPointId Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point. Corresponds to the provided url parameter.
paymentPointName string Yes The registered name of a payment point.
transferReference Transfer reference Yes Bank reference number used for aggregated transfer to receiver account. Corresponds to url parameter.
transferReferenceDate Date Yes Date used for aggregated transfer reference. Might be different from the date when transfer actually was made.
receiverAccount string Yes Account number where funds have been transferred to. IBAN or regular account number.
transactions json array Yes A collection of transactions (see below for details)
type Transaction type Yes Specifies transaction type. Possible values are: Payment, Refund, TransactionFee, ServiceFee, ReturnedTransaction, Adjustment
amount Amount Yes Transaction amount. Positive for debit transactions, negative for credit transactions.
currencyCode Currency Yes Transaction currency.
timestamp Timestamp Yes Timestamp when transaction has been completed.
paymentTransactionId string Yes Unique payment provider transaction id used when collecting funds for this individual transaction.
senderComment string No Free-form text message provided by payment sender.
externalTransactionId string No ExternalTransactionId is ID that could be provided by merchant / payment integrator when initiating payments. In general, it can be used for correlating transactions between MobilePay and external (merchant/integrator) system.
externalBulkId string No Similar purpose as ExternalTransactionId but used for correlating transactions with bulk/group id from external (merchant/integrator) system.
nextPageToken Page token No A token used to retrieve next page of results. Null if this is the last page.

Error Response


$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890' 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Transferred Transactions V2 Endpoint

Receive a full report of the content of settlement transfers. Includes a line by line specification of your sales, fees, refunds etc. that make up settlement transfers





URL Params

Name Type Required Detail
paymentPointID Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point.
transferReference Transfer reference Yes Bank reference number used for aggregated transfer to receiver account.
pageToken Page token No Specifies which result data page to retrieve if there are more than one page.

Header Params

Name Type Required Detail
Authorization string Yes Authorization OpenId reference token - “Bearer xxxx”.
x-ibm-client-id string Yes Api Gateway client Id.
x-ibm-client-secret string Yes Api Gateway client Secrete.
Accept string No A value used to negotiate response ‘Content-Type’. Available values application/json and text/csv. If header value contains text/csv endpoint returns csv file, otherwise will default to JSON format.

JSON request example

$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Accept: application/json'

CSV request example

$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Accept: text/csv'

Success JSON Response

HTTP 200

    "companyRegNo": "123456789",
    "merchantName": "Acme Ltd",
    "paymentPointId": "08b2f28f-9e5c-4416-ab5a-6338511c8ad1",
    "paymentPointName": "snack kiosk",
    "transferReference": "02020180624123456789",
    "transferReferenceDate": "2020-10-14",
    "receiverAccount": "DK123400000567891231",
    "transactions": [
            "type": "Payment",
            "amount": 88,00,
            "currencyCode": "DKK",
            "timestamp": "2020-10-13T04:44:06Z",
            "message": "Flowers for Anafora" || NULL,
            "merchantReference": "QWERTY123456798" || NULL,
            "merchantPaymentLabel": "Ref: AB22" || NULL,
            "paymentTransactionId": "AABBCCDD11223344",
            "userIndicator": "****1234" || NULL,
            "loyaltyId": "22499111" || NULL,
            "myshopNumber": "77643" || NULL,
            "brandName": "Acme Inc" || NULL,
            "brandId": "1234567" || NULL,
            "locationId": "56789" || NULL,
            "posName": "bakery" || NULL,
            "beaconId": "AAV2f28f-3322-4416-ab5a-BB98511c82AD" || NULL,
            "merchantPayerReference": "22449122" || NULL,
            "agreementId": "57b2f28f-9e5c-4416-ab5a-633345678ad1" || NULL,
    "nextPageToken": "CiAKGjBpNDd2Nmp2Zml2cXRwYjBpOXA"
Name Type Required Detail
companyRegNo string Yes Public merchant identifier (usually VAT or CVR code)
merchantName string Yes Merchant legal name (as registered with MobilePay)
paymentPointId Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point. Corresponds to the provided url parameter.
paymentPointName string Yes The registered name of a payment point.
transferReference Transfer reference Yes Bank reference number used for aggregated transfer to receiver account. Corresponds to url parameter.
transferReferenceDate Date Yes Date used for aggregated transfer reference. Might be different from the date when transfer actually was made.
receiverAccount string Yes Account number where funds have been transferred to. IBAN or regular account number.
transactions object[] Yes A collection of transactions (see below for details)
type Transaction type Yes Specifies transaction type. Possible values are: Payment, Refund, TransactionFee, ServiceFee, ReturnedTransaction, Adjustment
amount Amount Yes Transaction amount. Positive for debit transactions, negative for credit transactions.
currencyCode Currency Yes Transaction currency.
timestamp Timestamp Yes Timestamp when transaction has been completed.
message string No Free-form text message provided by payment sender.
merchantReference string No MerchantReference is ID that could be provided by merchant / payment integrator when initiating payments. In general, it can be used for correlating transactions between MobilePay and external (merchant/integrator) system.
merchantPaymentLabel string No Similar purpose as MerchantReference but used for correlating transactions with bulk/group id from external (merchant/integrator) system.
paymentTransactionId string Yes Unique payment provider transaction id used when collecting funds for this individual transaction.
userIndicator string No The payer’s (user) phone number, semi masked (currently not populated).
loyaltyId string No Value entered into the MP app for the specific merchant under “memberships”
myshopNumber string No Myshop number
brandName string No POS brand name
brandId string No POS legacy merchant Id
locationId string No POS merchant location Id
posName string No POS name
beaconId string No POS beacon Id
merchantPayerReference string No Customer number/reference of payer in merchant’s system, created by merchant.
agreementId string No MobilePay Subscriptions generated agreement Id
nextPageToken Page token No A token used to retrieve next page of results. Null if this is the last page.

Success CSV Response

A text/csv Content-Type response with ; seperated CSV file. A sample Transferred Transactions file can be downloaded from here.

Error Response

Transactions V1 Endpoint

Returns a list of all transactions that took place during specified time period for a payment point.

Note: data provided by this endpoint represents the latest known state at the time of query. Resubmitting your request might yeld different results if additional transactions have occured during the time between requests.





URL Params

Name Type Required Detail
paymentPointID Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point.
fromTimestamp Timestamp Yes Timestamp to filter transactions from (inclusive). Refers to transaction timestamp.
toTimestamp Timestamp Yes Timestamp to filter transactions to (inclusive). Refers to transaction timestamp.
pageToken Page token No Specifies which result data page to retrieve if there are more than one page

Success Response

HTTP 200

      "merchantId": "123456789",
      "merchantName": "Acme Ltd",
      "paymentPointId" : "08b2f28f-9e5c-4416-ab5a-6338511c8ad1",
      "paymentPointName" : "snack kiosk",
      "receiverAccount" : "DK123456789",
      "transactions": [
              "type": "Payment",
              "amount": 81.00,
              "currencyCode": "EUR",
              "timestamp": "2018-06-13T04:44:06Z",
              "paymentTransactionId" : "AABBCCDD11223344",
              "transferReference" : "00020180624123456789",
              "transferReferenceDate" : "2018-06-24",
              "senderComment" : "This is fun",
              "externalTransactionId": "QWERTY123456798",
              "externalBulkId": "ASDFG987654321",
      "nextPageToken": "CiAKGjBpNDd2Nmp2Zml2cXRwYjBpOXA"
Name Type Required Detail
merchantId string Yes Public merchant identifier (usually VAT or CVR code)
merchantName string Yes Merchant legal name (as registered with MobilePay)
paymentPointId Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point. Corresponds to the provided url parameter.
paymentPointName string Yes The registered name of a payment point.
receiverAccount string Yes Account number where funds have been transferred to. IBAN or regular account number.
transactions json array Yes A collection of transactions (see below for details)
type Transaction type Yes Specifies transaction type. Possible values are: Payment, Refund, transactionFee, ServiceFee, Transfer, ReturnedTransaction, Adjustment
amount Amount Yes Transaction amount. Positive for debit transactions, negative for credit transactions.
currencyCode Currency Yes Transaction currency.
timestamp Timestamp Yes Timestamp when transaction has been completed. Corresponds to url parameters “fromDateTimeOffset” and “toDateTimeOffset”.
paymentTransactionId string Yes Unique payment provider transaction id used when collecting funds for this individual transaction.
transferReference Transfer reference No Bank reference number used for aggregated transfer to receiver account. Null if this transaction has not been transferred yet.
transferReferenceDate Date No Date used for aggregated transfer reference. Null if this transaction has not been transferred yet.
senderComment string No Free-form text message provided by payment sender.
externalTransactionId string No ExternalTransactionId is ID that could be provided by merchant / payment integrator when initiating payments. In general, it can be used for correlating transactions between MobilePay and external (merchant/integrator) system.
externalBulkId string No Similar purpose as ExternalTransactionId but used for correlating transactions with bulk/group id from external (merchant/integrator) system.
nextPageToken Page token No A token used to retrieve next page of results. Null if this is the last page.

Error Response



$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890' 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Transactions V2 Endpoint

Returns a report of all sales transactions for a payment point for the queried period. Note: data provided by this endpoint represents the latest known state at the time of query. Resubmitting your request might yeld different results if additional transactions have occured during the time between requests.





URL Params

Name Type Required Detail
paymentPointId Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point.
from Timestamp No Timestamp to filter transactions from (inclusive). Refers to transaction timestamp.
to Timestamp No Timestamp to filter transactions to (inclusive). Refers to transaction timestamp.
pageToken Page token No Specifies which result data page to retrieve if there are more than one page

Header params

Name Type Required Detail
Authorization string Yes Authorization OpenId reference token - “Bearer xxxx”.
x-ibm-client-id string Yes Api Gateway client Id.
x-ibm-client-secret string Yes Api Gateway client Secrete.

Success Response

HTTP 200

        "companyRegNo": "123456789",                                            
        "merchantName": "Acme Ltd",
        "paymentPointId": "08b2f28f-9e5c-4416-ab5a-6338511c8ad1",
        "paymentPointName": "snack kiosk",
        "receiverAccount": "DK123400000567891231",
        "transactions": [
                "type": "Payment",
                "amount": 88,00
                "currencyCode": "DKK",
                "timestamp": "2020-10-13T04:44:06Z",
                "message": "Flowers for Anafora",                               
                "merchantReference": "QWERTY123456798"                          
                "merchantPaymentLabel": "Ref: AB22",                            
                "paymentTransactionId": "AABBCCDD11223344",
                "transferReference": "02020180624123456789",                    
                "transferReferenceDate": "2020-10-14",                          
                "userIndicator": "****1234" || NULL,                            
                "loyaltyId": "22499111" || NULL,                                
                "myshopNumber": "77643" || NULL,                                
                "brandName": "Acme Inc" || NULL,                                
                "brandId": "1234567" || NULL,                                   
                "locationId": "56789" || NULL,                                  
                "posName": "bakery" || NULL,                                    
                "beaconId": "AAV2f28f-3322-4416-ab5a-BB98511c82AD" || NULL,     
                "merchantPayerReference": "22449122" || NULL,                   
                "agreementId": "57b2f28f-9e5c-4416-ab5a-633345678ad1" || NULL,  
        "nextPageToken": "CiAKGjBpNDd2Nmp2Zml2cXRwYjBpOXA"
Name Type Required Detail
companyRegNo string Yes Public merchant identifier (usually VAT or CVR code)
merchantName string Yes Merchant legal name (as registered with MobilePay)
paymentPointId Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point. Corresponds to the provided url parameter.
paymentPointName string Yes The registered name of a payment point.
receiverAccount string Yes Account number where funds have been transferred to. IBAN or regular account number.
transactions object[] Yes A collection of transactions (see below for details)
type Transaction type Yes Specifies transaction type. Possible values are: Payment, Refund, TransactionFee, ServiceFee, ReturnedTransaction, Adjustment
amount Amount Yes Transaction amount. Positive for debit transactions, negative for credit transactions.
currencyCode Currency Yes Transaction currency.
timestamp Timestamp Yes Timestamp when transaction has been completed.
message string No Free-form text message provided by payment sender.
merchantReference string No MerchantReference is ID that could be provided by merchant / payment integrator when initiating payments. In general, it can be used for correlating transactions between MobilePay and external (merchant/integrator) system.
merchantPaymentLabel string No Similar purpose as MerchantReference but used for correlating transactions with bulk/group id from external (merchant/integrator) system.
paymentTransactionId string Yes Unique payment provider transaction id used when collecting funds for this individual transaction.
transferReference Transfer reference Yes Bank reference number used for aggregated transfer to receiver account. Corresponds to url parameter.
transferReferenceDate Date Yes Date used for aggregated transfer reference. Might be different from the date when transfer actually was made.
userIndicator string No The payer’s (user) phone number, semi masked (currently not populated).
loyaltyId string No Value entered into the MP app for the specific merchant under “memberships”
myshopNumber string No Myshop number
brandName string No POS brand name
brandId string No POS legacy merchant Id
locationId string No POS merchant location Id
posName string No POS name
beaconId string No POS beacon Id
merchantPayerReference string No Customer number/reference of payer in merchant’s system, created by merchant.
agreementId string No MobilePay Subscriptions generated agreement Id
nextPageToken Page token No A token used to retrieve next page of results. Null if this is the last page.

Error Response



$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890' 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Transferred Transactions By Merchant Endpoint

Returns a list of all transactions that took place during specified time period for a merchant.

Note: data provided by this endpoint represents the latest known state at the time of query. Resubmitting your request might yeld different results if additional transactions have occured during the time between requests.





URL Params

Name Type Required Detail
from Date Yes Date to filter transferred transactions results (inclusive). Value refers to transfer reference date field, not the actual date / time when the transfer has been made
to Date Yes Date to filter transferred transactions results (inclusive). Value refers to transfer reference date field, not the actual date / time when the transfer has been made
pageToken Page token No Specifies which result data page to retrieve if there are more than one page

Header params

Name Type Required Detail
Authorization string Yes Authorization OpenId reference token - “Bearer xxxx”.
x-ibm-client-id string Yes Api Gateway client Id.
x-ibm-client-secret string Yes Api Gateway client Secrete.
Accept string No A value used to negotiate response ‘Content-Type’. Available values application/json and text/csv. If header value contains text/csv endpoint returns csv file, otherwise will default to JSON format.

Success Response

HTTP 200

    "transactions": [
        "companyRegNo": "string",
        "merchantName": "string",
        "paymentPointId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
        "paymentPointName": "string",
        "receiverAccount": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "amount": 0,
        "currencyCode": "string",
        "timestamp": "2021-01-11T20:32:15.649Z",
        "message": "string",
        "merchantReference": "string",
        "merchantPaymentLabel": "string",
        "paymentTransactionId": "string",
        "transferReference": "string",
        "transferReferenceDate": "string",
        "userIndicator": "string",
        "loyaltyId": "string",
        "myShopNumber": "string",
        "brandName": "string",
        "brandId": "string",
        "locationId": "string",
        "posName": "string",
        "beaconId": "string",
        "merchantPayerReference": "string",
        "agreementId": "string"
    "nextPageToken": "string"
Name Type Required Detail
transactions json array Yes A collection of transactions (see below for details)
companyRegNo string Yes Public merchant identifier (usually VAT or CVR code)
merchantName string Yes Merchant legal name (as registered with MobilePay)
paymentPointId Guid Yes Unique identifier for a payment point. Corresponds to the provided url parameter.
paymentPointName string Yes The registered name of a payment point.
receiverAccount string Yes Account number where funds have been transferred to. IBAN or regular account number.
type Transaction type Yes Specifies transaction type. Possible values are: Payment, Refund, transactionFee, ServiceFee, Transfer, ReturnedTransaction, Adjustment
amount Amount Yes Transaction amount. Positive for debit transactions, negative for credit transactions.
currencyCode Currency Yes Transaction currency.
timestamp Timestamp Yes Timestamp when transaction has been completed. Corresponds to url parameters “from” and “to”.
senderComment string No Free-form text message provided by payment sender.
paymentTransactionId string Yes Unique payment provider transaction id used when collecting funds for this individual transaction.
message string No Free-form text message provided by payment sender.
merchantReference string No MerchantReference is ID that could be provided by merchant / payment integrator when initiating payments. In general, it can be used for correlating transactions between MobilePay and external (merchant/integrator) system.
merchantPaymentLabel string No Similar purpose as MerchantReference but used for correlating transactions with bulk/group id from external (merchant/integrator) system.
paymentTransactionId string Yes Unique payment provider transaction id used when collecting funds for this individual transaction.
transferReference Transfer reference No Bank reference number used for aggregated transfer to receiver account. Null if this transaction has not been transferred yet.
transferReferenceDate Date No Date used for aggregated transfer reference. Null if this transaction has not been transferred yet.
userIndicator string No The payer’s (user) phone number, semi masked (currently not populated).
loyaltyId string No Value entered into the MP app for the specific merchant under “memberships”
myshopNumber string No Myshop number
brandName string No POS brand name
brandId string No POS legacy merchant Id
locationId string No POS merchant location Id
posName string No POS name
beaconId string No POS beacon Id
merchantPayerReference string No Customer number/reference of payer in merchant’s system, created by merchant.
agreementId string No MobilePay Subscriptions generated agreement Id
nextPageToken Page token No A token used to retrieve next page of results. Null if this is the last page.

Error Response

JSON request example


$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890' 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

CSV request example


$ curl 
  --header "Authorization: Bearer abcd1234567890" 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-id: abcd1234567890' 
  --header 'x-ibm-client-secret: abcd1234567890'
  --header 'Accept: text/csv'